Ashmore State School Resource Centre is located in the Carmichael Centre. The centre is staffed by our Resource Manager, Teacher Aides and Technician.
All staff and students have access to the Resource Centre during school hours to borrow resources and enjoy the tranquil welcoming environment.
The upper floor consists of learning spaces which are utilised by all classes. Our Library has a wide selection of books and students are able to borrow these for home or school use. There is a Junior Fiction area with an assortment of picture books and home readers. The STEM Room on this level caters for the Junior School. The library is open at first break only for students to play with board games, use a computer or sit quietly on a beanbag and read. We also have a colour printer available for students' school printing.
Teachers have been allocated classroom iPads to enhance teaching and learning. The Green Room is used for photography and sound production. Also available is the Senior Computer Lab which has a class set of laptops. The ground floor of the Carmichael Centre has both a Science and STEM room. The Conference Room is available for Parent information sessions, staff meetings and Departmental conferences.
Our STEM team are committed to providing technical and pedagogical support so that all classes are able to access digital learning, anytime, anywhere.
Oliver Link for Students