Local Catchment Area
A school's local catchment area is the geographical area from which the school is to have its core intake of students. A catchment map defines the catchment area for Ashmore State School.
Students within catchment
All students, whose principal place of residence is within the school’s catchment area are eligible for enrolment at the school. Parents or legal guardians who wish to enrol their student at the school will need to demonstrate that the student's place of residence is within the catchment area. Current proof of residency at the address indicated can be provided by way of one of each of the following:
- One primary source - a current lease agreement, recent rates notice, or unconditional sale agreement, and
- One secondary source - a utility bill (e.g. electricity, gas), or water and sewerage notice showing this same address and parent's/legal guardian's name
Other students outside the catchment area deemed to be eligible for enrolment
The following groups of students will be deemed as eligible for enrolment, even though they may reside outside the school’s catchment area:
- Children and young people who are subject to child protection orders that grant guardianship or custody to the Chief Executive Officer of the Department of Communities, Child Safety and Disability Services (Child Safety Services)
- Siblings of current students at a school who reside outside of the catchment are eligible for enrolment at the school
- Students whose parent or legal guardian is employed by the school
- Students who live outside the catchment area and are verified with a disability can enrol at the school to attend the specific disability program if it is the closest program to their home and meets their individualised needs
- Students who have been excluded from a school other than this school, as determined by the Regional Director.
Out of Catchment Enrolments
Students from outside the local catchment area are required to submit the Out of Catchment Application Form.
Students from outside the school's catchment area applying for enrolment at that school are placed on a waiting list in order of receipt of application.
Decisions on Enrolment
The Principal is responsible for all decision on enrolments. If a submission is received, the Principal will consider the submission and make a final decision.