Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at Ashmore State School.
Ashmore State School opened in 1978 and since then has grown steadily. Situated on 6 hectares of bushland, Ashmore State School is a co-educational learning facility catering for students from Prep to Year 6. We are located on Currumburra Road, Ashmore, bounded by the suburbs of Southport, Benowa, Carrara and Nerang.
At Ashmore State School, children's lives are touched and shaped by caring and highly qualified teachers who are well trained to take up the challenges of modern school education. We are committed to providing the best education possible for all students and to helping all students strive to develop their individual gifts and talents.
Enrolment Process:
1. Identify whether you reside in the Ashmore State School catchment area
Before submitting an Enrolment Pack, you must first identify whether your child's principal place of residence is located within the Ashmore State School catchment area. You can view the Department of Education edMap website here.
2. Submit a completed Enrolment Pack
Please download our Enrolment Pack below or contact our Enrolment Officer to arrange collection of an enrolment pack from our office.
Download an Enrolment Pack here
Please have the following documents available to submit with your Enrolment Pack:
- Birth Certificate (or other documentary evidence)
- A primary source of proof of residence - a current rental/lease agreement, or rates notice, or unconditional contract of sale
- A secondary source of proof of residence - a utility bill (e.g. electricity, gas) showing this same address and parent's/legal guardian's name
- Current passport and Visa for any child born outside of Australia
- Two previous report cards and NAPLAN results (where applicable)
- Any medical information relevant to your child
- Any legal/court orders applicable to your child
Students living with a relative/other person within catchment must provide the following, in addition to a secondary source of proof of residence:
- Properly sworn statutory declaration from the student's parent/legal guardian
- Properly sworn statutory declaration from the person(s) the student will be residing with in-catchment
Students who reside outside of the Ashmore State School catchment must submit an Out of Catchment Application Form along with a completed Enrolment Pack.
To submit your online enrolment application and for all other enquiries, please contact our Enrolments Officer at or call the office on (07) 5656 1333.
3. Book an enrolment interview with relevant Deputy Principal
All enrolling families are required to attend an enrolment interview with the relevant Deputy Principal. Enrolment interviews are held on Wednesdays and are a friendly and informal opportunity to meet you and your child, share information, answer any questions you may have and learn how we can best support your child in their transition to Ashmore State School.
For International enrolment enquiries, please refer to the page below:
International Enrolments