Online banking payments preferred – EFTPOS payments accepted anytime between 8:00am - 3:00pm. No cash payments will be accepted. Please see our Finance Officer Stacey Brown.
Payment options
Internet banking payment details:
BSB Number: 064-450 Account Number: 00900127
Account Name: Ashmore State School General Account
Reference: Student Full Name & Excursion Reference (eg: Kim Smith/Excursion Name)
Internet payments will close 3 working days prior to the payment due date. We apologise but NO exceptions will be made.
As the school budget cannot meet any shortfalls in funding for an extra-curricular activity due to the subsequent non-participation of a student who has previously indicated attendance of the activity, fees already paid for an extra-curricular activity may be refunded in full or in part or not at all, having regard to the associated expenses incurred and the circumstances of the non-participation.
Please email for arrangements.